Here are just a few of the AMSOIL related events and presentations taking place.
The AMSOIL/Coddington Roadster will be on display at the PRI Show next week. Word has it that the car has been loaded into a trailer and is already heading east. On Thursday, Boyd is slated to make a ninety minute presentation on the building of the Bonneville racer and their atempt at a land speed record. The seminar will feature Boyd and Jo Coddington and Harvey St. Mary, their engine builder.
2007 AMSOIL Mopar Muscle Challenge Winner To Be Announced At 1:00 pm on Thursday, December 6, Mopar Muscle magazine will be announcing the 2007 Winner, and presenting the details for the ’08 AMSOIL Mopar Muscle Challenge in the Press Conference area in the rear corner of the main floor.
Paul Sykora's Smokin' Coupe Again On Display
The ’37 Ford Coupe that won a 2007 Hot Wheels Design Award for car with Attitude at last month's SEMA Show in Las Vegas will be ogled throughout the show as it caresses eyeballs in the American Racing Booth. Hailing from Orlando, Sykora undoubtedly enjoys being in his own back yard. It's one beautiful machine and Sykora knows what's needed on the inside to protect this 2300 horse powerhouse.
For sure, this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as excitement goes. There will be a lot to see and a lot to share. And maybe we'll see you there.