Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So Much To See and Do in the Northeast for AMSOIL Street Rodder Road Tourians

The Breakers... Vanderbilt summer home.
The AMSOIL Street Rodder Road Tour is making its way through the Northeast this week on what has been tagged as the Eastwood Summer Classic leg of the Road Tour. Hey, Jerry... are you having fun yet?

The photos our Road Tour Director has sent this week indicate that this is again a very special circuit for Road Tourians. Beginning at the Syracuse Nationals the gathered tour weaves its way through New York State, Rhode Island, Connecticut and on to Massachusetts. Along the way sights have included The Breakers, a variety of special car and nostalgia collections, the Connecticut Street Rod Association (where they were guests at a party last night), Newport Harbor, Cape Cod Bay, and a dive down into Pennsylvania, ultimately aiming for Hershey Thursday to wind up at the third annual Eastwood Summer Classic in Pottstown, PA.

One of the highlights for Jerry Dixey will be stopping at Bethel, New York where one of the most famous rock concerts in history took place 45 years ago this August on Max Yasgur's 600 acre dairy farm. For Jerry it will be a nostalgic moment as he reflects on what he saw and heard there a lifetime ago.

Here are few of the memories being taken away on this leg of the tour... and this summary of one day's details.

Ride on!

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