Friday, June 27, 2014

Road Tour Leg Three: Winding Up in the Rockies

If you've never been on a Road Tour with Jerry Dixey, you're missing something. Everywhere the AMSOIL Street Rodder Road Tour goes, the Road Tourians get the red carpet treatment. They also get to eat a lot of good food. And, oh yes, there is a lot of eye candy when it comes to spectacular cars.

This is the third leg of eight tours in 2014, designated the Aeromotive Tour. Tuesday's welcome at the Aeromotive facility in Kansas City was a treat. Wednesday morning the group travelled from Kansas City to Wichita across the grasslands of Kansas. By noon they had arrived at the Poplar Restaurant in Andover, a suburb of Wichita. The Poplar's owner Brian had put together a special buffet of chicken wings and pizza for his guests and it was yummy. After lunch they were ready for a full day of fun in Wichita beginning with a private collection of cars and vehicles that was one of the widest ranging groups of special interest vehicles that many of them had ever seen. From here to drove to downtown Wichita to Devlin's Rod & Customs. Tim Devlin had played a big role in organizing their activities in Wichita to make it a special day.

Heading West the tour landed in Dodge City with its famous Boot Hill Museum. Welcome to the Old West. Unfortunately, a hard rain dampened (cancelled) their evening plans there, but didn't dampen their spirits. Their final destination this week is the NSRA Rocky Mountain Nationals in Pueblo, Colorado. When you reach the Rockies and look east, well, this is where the song "I can see for miles" may have originated. There's nothing quite so beautiful as getting into that thin Rocky Mountain air. There will be more than photos of cars brought home by this group. But for the moment, we're just going to tickle your eyes with a few more photos of beautiful cars these folks got to see this week.

Now that it's summertime, keep your eyes open for vintage car enthusiasts out cruisin'... re-living their nostalgic dreams. If you've got a car and really want to live the dream, join up with a future leg of the AMSOIL Street Rodder Road Tour. You'll be glad you did.

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